News 2022
- European Commission: completed the interim evaluation of the Union Customs Code (Oxford Research lead firm).
- European Commission: completed the final evaluation of the Customs 2020 Program (TetraTech lead firm).
- United Arab Emirates: Economisti Associati awarded a new contract with the World Bank Group for the evaluation of a business environment reform project.
- European Commission: Economisti Associati awarded a new contract with DG TAXUD for the review of VAT rules applicable to the travel and tourism sectors.
- Anti-contagion Safety Plan: In line with relevant legislation, updated the Anti-contagion Safety Plan applicable to Economisti Associati and Consorzio Italiano Consulenti personnel, partners and board members as well as to any visitor and supplier.
- European Commission: completed the evaluation of Directive 2011/24 on patients' rights in the EU in cross-border healthcare (Tetra Tech lead firm).
- Quality Certification: Economisti Associati's quality management system successfully audited by DNV-GL and duration of current ISO 9001: 2015 certificate extended to 2023.
- European Commission: completed the impact assessment study for the Sustainable Product Initiative (Trinomics lead firm).
- European Commission: completed a study on the construction industry (Trinomics lead firm).
- HaDEA: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract for a study on the implementation of national policies on antimicrobial resistance (TetraTech lead firm).
- Ethiopia: completed the evaluation of the Ethiopia Multi-Donor Initiative commissioned by the World Bank Group.
- European Commission: presentation of the final results of a study on measures to improve payment behavior in the EU to the Late Payment Expert Group Meeting.
- European Commission: completed an assessment of EU portals commissioned by DG GROW (Oxford Research lead firm).
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract for a study on the Code of Conduct on responsible food business and marketing practices commissioned by DG SANTE (Ipsos lead firm).
- European Commission: consortia led by Economisti Associati awarded two framework contracts for the Better Regulation-related assignments (lot 1) and economic studies (lot 2) by DG GROW.
- European Commission: completed a study on VAT in the Digital Age commissioned by DG TAXUD, implemented by a grouping led by Economisti Associati and comprising CASE, Oxford Research, Wavestone, Mazars, Hedeos, Desmeytere, and Università di Urbino.
- European Commission: completed a study on measures to improve payment behavior in the EU and to enhance the effectiveness of the Late Payment Payments Directive, commissioned by DG GROW.
- European Commission: published the study on Payment Behavior in the EU commissioned by DG GROW.
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract for a study on the EU Health Platform Policy commissioned by DG SANTE (TetraTech lead firm).
- United Arab Emirates: completed the evaluation of a business environment reform project aimed at increasing women's economic participation commissioned by the World Bank Group.
- European Commission: completed a study on the Audit Directive and the Audit Regulation commissioned by DG FISMA (Milieu lead firm).
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract for a study supporting the review of data storage contracts notified under the Tobacco Products Directive commissioned by HaDEA (Spark Legal Network lead firm).
- Economisti Associati becomes part of the Intellera Consulting Group
- European Commission: completed an impact assessment study on detergents commissioned by DG GROW (Europe Economics lead firm).
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract for a study on procurement and joint procurement in customs control equipment commissioned by DG TAXUD (Oxford Research lead firm).
- European Commission: Economisti Associati part of a Tetra Tech-led consortium awarded a new framework contract for Better Regulation activities in the field of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture.
- European Commission: published the 2022 report on the VAT Gap in the EU, prepared by the Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE, Warsaw), partner of the Economisti Associati-led consortium cooperating with DG TAXUD.