News 2021
- Moldova: Economisti Associati in association with the National Agency for Rural Development awarded an impact assessment study on World Bank-funded initiatives in the agricultural sector.
- European Commission: completed the evaluation and impact assessment of VAT rules for financial and insurance services commissioned by DG TAXUD.
- Montenegro: completed the 'virtual' fieldwork for the evaluation of EU assistance to Montenegro.
- World Bank Group: completed the strategic review of the Conflict Affected States in Africa initiative.
- European Commission: published the study on energy taxation indicators commissioned by DG TAXUD.
- EU Member States: launched targeted consultations with stakeholders for the study on VAT in the digital age commissioned by DG TAXUD.
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded another contract by DG GROW for a study on the construction industry (Trinomics lead firm).
- European Commission: grouping comprising Economisti Associati, Oxford Research and Wavestone awarded a new contract by DG GROW for an assessment of EU portals.
- Cyprus: completed the evaluation of the Aid Program to the Turkish Cypriot community commissioned by DG REFORM.
- European Commission: grouping led by Economisti Associati awarded a study on the implementation of the Late Payments Directive commissioned by DG GROW.
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded another contract by DG SANTE for the evaluation of EU legislation to ensure patient rights in cross-border healthcare (TetraTech leading firm).
- EFSA: completed the review of the Executive Director's Decision on Competing Interest Management.
- Montenegro: Economisti Associati completes the evaluation of EU assistance to Montenegro commissioned by DG NEAR.
- Ghana: Economisti Associati in collaboration with Microfinanza awarded a new contract by the World Bank Group for the evaluation of the Digital Financial Services Project.
- European Investment Bank: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a framework contract for the provision of evaluation services.
- Ghana: first post-COVID field mission in the framework of evaluation of the Digital Financial Services Project commissioned by the World Bank Group.
- European Commission: completed the study on wireless charging technologies for mobile phones and similar portable electronic equipment commissioned by DG GROW (Fraunhofer IZM leading firm).
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a 4-year framework contract for evaluation services by DG SANTE.
- European Commission: completed the study on VAT gap in EU Member States for DG TAXUD (CASE leading firm).
- European Commission: completed the impact assessment of measures on mobile phones and other portable devices for DG GROW (Ipsos lead firm).
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by DG SANTE for a study on best practices in public procurement of medicines (Tetra Tech leading firm).
- European Commission: published the study on wireless charging technologies for mobile phones and similar portable electronic equipment.
- Ethiopia: Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by the World Bank Group for the evaluation of the Ethiopia Multi-Donor Initiative.
- Moldova: completed the impact evaluation study on World Bank-funded initiatives in the agricultural sector.
- European Commission: completed the study supporting the impact assessment for a Future Interoperability Strategy commissioned by DG DIGIT (CEPS leading firm).
- European Commission: completed the impact analysis of the review of tobacco excise duty rules commissioned by DG TAXUD.
- European Commission: Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by DG TAXUD for the evaluation of the rates and structures of excise duty on alcohol and alcoholic beverages.
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by DG TAXUD for a study on the VAT gap in the EU (CASE leading firm).
- Ghana completed the evaluation of the Digital Financial Services Project commissioned by the World Bank Group.
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by DG TAXUD for a study of the Authorized Economic Operator Programme (Oxford Research leading firm).