News 2019
  • European Commission: completed the evaluation of invoicing rules under the VAT Directive 2006 commissioned by DG TAXUD.
  • European Commission: published the first report on automatic exchange of information, largely based on the preliminary results of the evaluation of administrative cooperation in direct taxation implemented by Economisti Associati.
  • European Commission: completed the evaluation of the Fiscalis 2020 program, commissioned by DG TAXUD (Oxford Research lead firm).
  • World Bank: published the final report of the impact assessment of IFC's OHADA investment climate reforms (ECOPA lead firm).
  • Rwanda: second field mission for the evaluation of the IFC investment climate reform program.
  • European Commission: completed the evaluation of the Customs 2020 program, commissioned by DG TAXUD (Oxford Research lead firm).  
  • European Commission: dissemination seminar for the Evaluation of the European Union's Policy Coherence for Development carried out for DG DEVCO (BKP lead firm).
  • Ethiopia field mission for the evaluation of the IFC investment climate reform program (access to finance component).
  • Rwanda: completed the evaluation of the IFC's investment climate reform program.
  • European Commission: completed study on the structure and rates of excise duty applied to manufactured tobacco for DG TAXUD.
  • European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a 4-year framework contract for evaluation and impact assessment studies with DG TAXUD.
  • European Commission: completed the study on measuring tax evasion of individuals for DG TAXUD (ECOPA lead firm).
  • European Commission: completed the evaluation of the Directive on Administrative Cooperation in Direct Taxation for DG TAXUD.
  • European Commission: Economisti Associati awarded a contract by the Legal Service for an economic study linked to a litigation before the Court of Justice.
  • World Bank Group: Economisti Associati (lead firm) in association with Coffey awarded a contract for the evaluation of the FIAS and BEED programs.
  • European Commission: Economisti Associati awarded a new contract with DG TAXUD for the evaluation and impact assessment of VAT rules for financial and insurance services.
  • European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a major contract with DG RTD (€ 1.8 million) for an impact assessment study of Institutionalized European Partnerships (Technopolis Group lead firm).
  • European Commission: completed the interim evaluation of the ISA2 program managed by DG DIGIT (CEPS lead firm).  
  • Kosovo: field mission for the mid-term evaluation of the FIAS program commissioned by the World Bank Group
  • European Commission: Economisti Associati awarded a new contract with DG TAXUD for a study on specific tax regimes for outermost regions belonging to France and Spain.  
  • Jordan and India: field missions to Amman and New Delhi for the mid-term evaluation of the FIAS program commissioned by the World Bank Group
  • Zambia and Malawi: field missions to Lusaka and Blantyre/Lilongwe for the mid-term evaluation of the FIAS program commissioned by the World Bank Group.
  • European Commission: DG TAXUD publishes the evaluation of the Directive on Administrative Cooperation in Direct Taxation, largely based on the study carried out by Economisti Associati.
  • Guinea: field mission to Conakry for the mid-term evaluation of the FIAS program commissioned by the World Bank Group.
  • European Commission: DG TAXUD publishes a study on international tax evasion by individuals carried out by the Economisti Associati-led consortium (ECOPA lead firm, CASE partner).
  • Canary Islands: field mission to Gran Canaria and Tenerife for a study on specific tax regimes for outermost regions belonging to France and Spain.
  • Germany and Italy: consultations with German and Italian stakeholders for the evaluation and impact assessment of VAT rules for financial and insurance services commissioned by DG TAXUD.
  • Antilles and Indian Ocean: field missions to Guadeloupe, Martinique and Reunion for a study on specific tax regimes for outermost regions belonging to France and Spain.
  • European Commission: Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by DG NEAR for the evaluation of EU assistance to Montenegro.
  • European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by DG TAXUD for a study on the VAT gap in Member States (CASE lead firm).
  • EU countries: consultations with stakeholders for the evaluation and impact assessment of VAT rules for financial and insurance services commissioned by DG TAXUD.
  • European Commission: completed an assessment study on the Urban Agenda for the EU, commissioned by DG REGIO to an Economisti Associati-led consortium (Ipsos lead firm).
  • European Commission: Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by the SRSS for the evaluation of the Aid Program to the Turkish Cypriot community.
  • European Commission: completed a study on EU objectives in addressing aggressive tax planning and harmful tax practices, commissioned by DG TAXUD to an Economisti Associati-led consortium (CEPS lead firm).  
  • European Commission: Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by DG TAXUD for a study on energy taxation indicators, in collaboration with Milieu and Nomisma Energia.