News 2018
- European Commission: completed the evaluation of the directive on the fiscal marking of gas oil and kerosene commissioned by DG TAXUD.
- European Commission: grouping comprising Economisti Associati (SQW lead firm) awarded a study on financial instruments for cultural and creative sectors commissioned by DG CNECT.
- European Commission: DG TAXUD publishes a Report on taxation of manufactured tobacco based on the results of a study on excise taxes on manufactured tobacco carried out by Economisti Associati.
- EU Countries: start of fact finding work for the evaluation of invoicing rules under the VAT Directive 2006 commissioned by DG TAXUD.
- Azerbaijan: presentation of draft evaluation report on the EU cooperation program for 2011 - 2016.
- European Commission: renewed the framework contract for evaluation studies with DG DEVCO (duration extended until February 2020).
- European countries: fact finding work in France, Ireland and Italy for the study on excises duties on manufactured tobacco.
- European Commission: presentation of the study on excises duties on manufactured tobacco at Expert Group on Tobacco Control meeting held in Bruxelles.
- European Commission: Economisti Associati awarded a new contract with DG TAXUD for the evaluation of the Directive on Administrative Cooperation.
- European countries: fact finding work in Germany and Poland for the study on excises duties on manufactured tobacco.
- Azerbaijan: completed the evaluation of the EU cooperation program for the 2011 - 2016 period carried out for DG NEAR.
- Quality Certification: Economisti Associati's quality management system is certified by DNV-GL (ISO 9001:2015).
- France: Enrico Giannotti illustrates the objectives of the study on e-invoicing rules commissioned by DG TAXUD at the International VAT Association Conference in Nice
- Personal Data Protection: Economisti Associati adopts its Privacy Statement in line with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation
- European Commission: DG TAXUD publishes the study on excise duty on alcohol and alcoholic beverages carried out by Economisti Associati.
- World Bank Group: completed the assessment of the OHADA Investment Climate Advisory Program (ECOPA lead firm).
- European countries: fact finding work in Spain and the UK for the study on the structure and rates of excise duty applied to manufactured tobacco commissioned by DG TAXUD.
- European countries: fact finding work in France, Portugal and the Netherlands for the study on e-invoicing rules.
- World Bank Group: Economisti Associati awarded a new contract for the evaluation of a major investment climate reform program implemented by IFC.
- EFSA: completed the independent external evaluation of the agency (Coffey lead firm).
- Ethiopia: first field mission for the evaluation of the IFC investment climate reform program.
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded the first contract under the Framework Contract with DG GROW for the interim evaluation of the ISA2 program managed by DG DIGIT (CEPS lead firm).
- European Commission: completed the study on the implementation of the EU strategy and action plan for customs risk management commissioned by DG TAXUD (Oxford Research lead firm).
- European Commission: completed the data collection study on the common financial framework for the Food Chain Program commissioned by DG SANTE (Ipsos MORI lead firm).
- Ethiopia: second field mission for the evaluation of the IFC investment climate reform program
- European Commission: presentation of preliminary findings on automatic exchange of information at the Expert Group on Administrative Cooperation in Direct Taxation
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded the second contract under the Framework Contract with DG GROW for an Assessment Study of the Urban agenda for the European Union managed by DG REGIO (Ipsos MORI lead firm)
- Neighborhood Countries: start of field work for the evaluation of EU Info Centers in the enlargement and neighborhood regions (Coffey lead firm)
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded another assignment under the Framework Contract with DG GROW for an Impact Assessment Study on Common Chargers of Portable Devices (Ipsos MORI lead firm)
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded another assignment under the Framework Contract with DG TAXUD for an study on aggressive tax planning and harmful tax practices (CEPS lead firm)
- European Commission: approved the final report for the evaluation of the European Union's Policy Coherence for Development (BKP lead firm)
- European Commission: completed the ex-ante evaluation of new financial instruments for SMEs, mid-caps and organizations from the Cultural and Creative Sectors (SQW lead firm)
- EU countries: interviews with tax authorities for the evaluation of the Directive on Administrative Cooperation
- Rwanda: first field mission for the evaluation of the IFC investment climate reform program
- Ethiopia: launched the field survey of foreign investors in the framework of the evaluation of the IFC investment climate reform program
- European Commission: launched the public consultation on the evaluation of administrative cooperation in direct taxation
- Italy: fact finding work for the evaluation of the Eel Regulation for DG MARE (Coffey lead firm)