News 2015
- World Bank Group: completed the evaluation of IFC's investment climate reform programs in Burkina Faso, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and South Sudan.
- Mauritius: Economisti Associati (lead firm) and BKP Development awarded a new contract by the EU-funded TBT program for the provision of services on Regulatory Impact Assessment.
- European Commission: launch of the study on animal welfare policy indicators for DG SANTE.
- UNIDO: Economisti Associati awarded new contract for a preliminary study on MSME financing, with special focus on youth entrepreneurship finance.
- Ethiopia & Tanzania: scoping mission for the evaluation of the African Development Bank activities over the 2004 - 2013 period.
- European Parliament: published the study on EU Industrial Policy, carried out by Economisti Associati in collaboration with CSIL (lead firm).
- European Union: Economisti Associati cooperates with Sustainable Forest Services (The Netherlands) in the evaluation of the EU FLEGT Action Plan on Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade.
- Moldova: Economisti Associati awarded a contract for the evaluation of a five-year program financed by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).
- European Parliament: CEPS (lead firm) and Economisti Associati (Partner) awarded a new contract for a study on the harmonization of copyright and related rights in the information society (Directive 2001/29/EC).
- UNIDO: Participation in a workshop on MSME financing held at the United Nations in New York.
- European Commission Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by DG SANTE for the second intermediate evaluation of the functioning of non-food Scientific Committees.
- Tanzania: field mission for the evaluation of the AfDB 2004 - 2013 program.
- Moldova: field mission for the evaluation of MCC's program.
- European Commission: Economisti Associati (lead firm) and CEPS awarded a new contract by DG GROW for a study on the impacts of EU legislation on the construction sector (Fitness Check).
- Ethiopia: field mission for the evaluation of the AfDB 2004 - 2013 program.
- Mauritius: first training session on Regulatory Impact Assessment for government officials and practitioners.
- European Commission: completed the ex post evaluation of the Health
Program 2008-2013 for DG SANTE (TEP leading firm).
- Cote d’Ivoire: field mission for the evaluation of the EU FLEGT Action Plan on Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade.
- European Commission: launch of interviews for DG SANTE's second intermediate evaluation of the functioning of non-food Scientific Committees.
- European Commission: first stakeholders' meeting for the study on the impacts of EU legislation on the construction sector (Fitness Check).
- Moldova:
completion of the evaluation of the MCC's program and presentation of key findings.
- European Commission: Economisti Associati in partnership with CEPS (lead
firm) and ECOFYS awarded a framework contract by DG GROW for studies on
competitiveness, environment, climate change, energy and transport.
- European Commission: Economisti Associati participates in the
presentation of the preliminary results of the evaluation of the FLEGT Action
Plan to the ‘ad-hoc working group on FLEGT and EUTR'
- Mauritius:
second training session on Regulatory Impact Assessment for government officials and practitioners.
- European Commission:
second stakeholders' meeting for the study on the impacts of EU legislation on the construction sector (Fitness Check).
- Ethiopia & Tanzania: presentation of preliminary findings of the evaluation
of the African Development Bank activities over the 2004 - 2013 period.
- European Commission: Economisti Associati in
partnership with CEPS (lead firm) and ECORYS awarded a contract with DG GROW for
the cumulative cost assessment of EU regulation in the glass and ceramics
- Ghana:
Economisti Associati in partnership with BKP
Development (lead firm) awarded a contract for the evaluation of the African
Development Bank activities over the 2004 - 2014 period.
- South Sudan: Economisti Associati
awarded a new contract for the evaluation of IFC's private sector development
- European Parliament: consortium led by Economisti
Associati and comprising CEPS, Anteja, CASE and BKP Development awarded a
framework contract for ex post evaluation and impact assessment studies in the
areas of development and international trade and economics.
- European Parliament: Economisti Associati in
partnership with CEPS (lead firm) awarded two framework contracts for ex post
evaluation and impact assessment studies in the areas of Industry,
Research & Energy and Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Security and Defense.
- European Commission: completed the ex post
evaluation of the ex-smokers campaign for DG SANTE (TEP leading firm).
- European Parliament: Economisti Associati in
partnership with CEPS (lead firm) awarded a framework contract for ex post
evaluation and impact assessment studies in the areas of internal market and
consumer protection.
- Ghana: field mission for the evaluation
of the African Development Bank activities, with focus on transport
infrastructure projects.
- European Commission: third stakeholders'
meeting for the study on the impacts of EU legislation on the construction
sector (Fitness Check).
- European Commission: Economisti Associati in
partnership with CEPS (lead firm) and ECOFYS awarded a study on the drivers of
energy costs and prices in energy-intensive industries for DG GROW.