News 2013
- European Commission: launch of the study on the costs and benefits of regulation for the Secretariat-General (in association with CEPS).
- European Commission: launch of the impact study on the Marie Curie program for DG EAC (in association with Significant GfK and ISI Fraunhofer).
- World Bank Group: summary of the evaluation of regulatory reform projects published by IFC
- European Commission: Economisti Associati cooperates with CSES within the framework of a study for DG Internal Market on the Professional Qualifications Directive.
- European Commission: CEPS (lead firm) and Economisti Associati retained by DG Enterprise and Industry for a study on regulatory costs of EU legislation in the steel and aluminum sectors.
- East Africa: key findings of study on the financing of innovative small businesses published by the World Bank's infoDev program.
- World Bank: Economisti Associati retained by the IFC for the evaluation of activities in the area of business taxation reform.
- European Commission: presentation of preliminary results of the evaluation of the EU Obesity Strategy in Bruxelles (TEP lead firm).
- European Commission: interviews with stakeholders for the study on the utilization and impact of the European Community Health Indicators for DG SANCO.
- Sub-Saharan Africa: Economisti Associati and BKP Development (lead firm) retained by the African Management Services Company (AMSCO) for the evaluation of the African Training and Management Services (ATMS).
- European Commission: CEPS (lead firm) and Economisti Associati present preliminary results of the study on regulatory costs of EU legislation in the steel sector.
- Sub-Saharan Africa: mission to South Africa for the evaluation of AMSCO's African Training and Management Services.
- Ethiopia: Economisti Associati retained by the IFC for an assessment of administrative obstacles to SME financing.
- European Commission: publication of the cumulative cost assessment of EU regulation on the steel industry, prepared by CEPS and Economisti Associati for DG Enterprise and Industry.
- Moldova: completed the impact evaluation of the World Bank-funded Competitiveness Enhancement Project.
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati and including The Evaluation Partnership, CEMKA-EVAL, CREMS and IBF awarded a new framework contract with DG SANCO for evaluations in the field of public health. Economisti Associati is also part of another consortium led by IBF retained as framework contractor for evaluations on consumer policy.
- European Parliament: Economisti Associati part of a consortium led by CEPS retained as framework contractor for impact assessment studies in the field of Legal and Constitutional Affairs.
- Sub-Saharan Africa: missions to Ghana, Mozambique and Cote d'Ivoire for the evaluation of AMSCO's training and management activities.
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded two new contracts by DG Enterprise for the evaluation of a "competitiveness proofing" in the auto industry and the conformity assessment procedures in the mechanical and electrical engineering sectors in the EU and the US (CSES leading firm).
- Sub-Saharan Africa: presentation of the final results of the evaluation of training and management activities to the AMSCO board.
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati and including ASVAPP, CEPS, TEP, MITO Technology and IPSOS Mori awarded a new framework contract with DG Research for the evaluation of research and innovation programs and policies.
- European Commission: publication of the cumulative cost assessment of EU regulation in the aluminium industry, prepared by CEPS and Economisti Associati for DG Enterprise and Industry.
- European Commission: Economisti Associati awarded a new contract for the second independent evaluation of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
- European Parliament: consortium led by Economisti Associati and including CEPS and BKP Development retained as framework contractor for the impact assessment in the areas of Development and International Trade and Economics.
- European Commission: Economisti Associati part of a consortium led by BKP Development retained as framework contractor by DG DEVCO for the provision of short term expertise in the field of Trade, Standards and Private Sector Development.
- World Bank Group: field visits to Georgia and Kyrgyzstan for the evaluation of IFC activities in business taxation.
- European Commission: workshop for the presentation of results of the study on Marie Curie researchers and their long-term career development.
- European Commission: completed the evaluation of communication actions on animal health for DG SANCO (TEP leading firm).
- World Bank Group: field visits to Burundi and Rwanda for the evaluation of IFC activities in business taxation.
- European Parliament: Economisti Associati part of a consortium led by CSIL retained as framework contractor for impact assessment studies in the field of industrial policy.
- European Commission: completed the study on the costs and benefits of regulations for the Secretariat General (CEPS leading firm).
- European Commission: completed the 'competitiveness proofing' study on the auto industry (CSES leading firm).
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by DG Education and Culture for the Evaluation of the European Commission Traineeship Scheme (TEP leading firm).
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by DG SANCO for the monitoring the European Platform for action on diet, physical activity and health activities (IBF leading firm).