News 2012
- Middle East and North Africa: Economisti Associati (lead firm) and Onemedit awarded a new contract by the World Bank for a study on investment promotion agencies (Global Investment Promotion Benchmarking 2012)
- European Commission: in association with ECORYS (leading firm), Economisti Associati awarded a new contract with DG ECFIN for a study on infrastructure investment and financing
- European Commission: presentation of final results of study on administrative costs linked to the Working Time Directive presented at DG Employment
- West Africa: training session in Abuja (Nigeria), within the framework of the ECOWAS investment climate assessment project
- European Union: visit to EIB for the study on infrastructure financing in EU countries
- European Commission: kick-off meeting for a new study on the EU Public Health Strategy
- West Africa: missions to Togo, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Cote d'Ivoire and Nigeria within the framework of ECOWAS study on investment climate
- World Bank Group: Economisti Associati in association with CEPS wins a contract with IFC for the evaluation of regulatory reform projects
- West Africa: missions to Cape Verde, Burkina Faso and Senegal within the framework of ECOWAS study on investment climate
- Caribbean: Economisti Associati and BKP Development win a contract with infoDev for an assessment and feasibility study on business incubation
- Middle East and North Africa: interviews with investment promotion agencies, within the framework of the World Bank's Global Investment Promotion Benchmarking 2012 study
- European Union: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by DG SANCO for the evaluation of the Health Thematic Portal (TEP leading firm)
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by DG EAC for the assessment of costs and benefits of a future Youth on the Move Card initiative (TEP leading firm)
- European Commission: field work in France, Sweden, Poland and Italy for a study on the EU Public Health Strategy
- Caribbean field work for the feasibility study on business incubation for infoDev, with visits to nine countries (Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago)
- World Bank Group: missions to Zambia, Vietnam, Tajikistan and Serbia within the framework of the evaluation of IFC regulatory reform projects
- European Commission: completed the assessment of administrative costs in connection with the review of the Working Time Directive for DG Employment
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by DG SANCO for the evaluation of the implementation of the European strategy on nutrition, overweight and obesity related health issues (TEP leading firm)
- European Union: interviews with government bodies, financial institutions and leading infrastructure operators in Italy, within the framework of the study on infrastructure financing
- European Parliament: Economisti Associati awarded a contract with the European Parliament to review the state of play of legislative actions in support of the European Commission's Digital Single Market
- East Africa: Economisti Associati awarded a contract with infoDev for a study on the financing of innovative small businesses in Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Ethiopia
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by DG ENTR for the development of a monitoring and evaluation framework for the COSME program (CSES leading firm)
- European Commission: completed assignment for DG SANCO on indicators for EU health policies
- European Commission: completed the assessment of costs and benefits of a future Youth on the Move Card initiative for DG EAC (TEP leading firm)
- European Parliament: completed the review the state of play of legislative actions in support of the European Commission's Digital Single Market
- Tunisia: Economisti Associati awarded a contract with Tuscany's Regional Economic Promotion Agency for a feasibility study for a credit guarantee scheme in support of Tuscany's exports to Tunisia
- West Africa: training session in Lomé (Togo), within the framework of the ECOWAS investment climate assessment project
- European Commission: presentation in Bruxelles of the final results of the study on indicators for EU health policies
- World Bank Group: presentation of final results of the evaluation of regulatory reform projects at IFC headquarters in Washington
- East Africa: missions to Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania within the framework of a study on the financing of innovative small businesses for infoDev
- Caribbean: presentation of final results of the assessment and feasibility study on business incubation at infoDev
- Tunisia: mission within the framework of a feasibility study for the establishment of a credit guarantee fund
- Moldova: Economisti Associati (leading firm) in association with ASVAPP and AGREX NGO, awarded a contract for an impact evaluation of the World Bank-funded Competitiveness Enhancement Project
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by DG EAC for a study on Marie Curie researchers and their long-term career development (in association with Significant GfK and ISI Fraunhofer)
- Moldova: mission to Moldova within the framework of an impact evaluation of the World Bank-funded Competitiveness Enhancement Project
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by the Secretariat-General of the Commission for a study aimed at assessing the costs and benefits of regulation (in association with CEPS)
- European Commission: Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by DG SANCO for an evaluation study on the use and impact of the European Community Health Indicators ECHI by Member States
- European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract by DG SANCO for the evaluation of communication activities on animal health (TEP leading firm)